Orica Presents The Community Ranking Program

3 min readSep 10, 2021


Every true Orican can be part of the community and climb up the ranks to the leadership levels.

Every person can participate in the community ranking program.


Orica is a community-driven company, where decisions are made by the community for the community. The Ranking was added to build the vision and future of Orica together. Every true Orican can be part of the community and climb up the ranks to the leadership levels.

Once you met the requirements you can apply for the higher rank and your level will be upgraded across our social media and Orica products.

For fulfilling tasks that are provided through discord you will earn up to 10k ORI. Every person can participate.

Ranking Levels

πŸ₯‰ Rank 1: Bronze


  • Social Activities:
    - Discord Level 2 (500 XPs)**
    - Follow all Social Media channels
  • Orica Family Pass required: Not required.
  • Tasks: 1 Task per month.
  • Marketplace activities: Not required.

*Read the FAQs below to get more infos about the requirements.

**You can get Discord XPs by sending a message, being set as an invitee by another user, or being upvoted (πŸ‘). Read the FAQs below.

πŸ₯ˆ Rank 2: Silver


  • Social Activities:
    - Discord Level 3 (2.5k XPs)
    - Follow all Social Media channels
  • Orica Family Pass required: SILVER Pass (10k ORI)
    You can obtain the silver pass on the Orica NFT Marketplace. Key features are INO participation before public. 5% marketplace rewards and more.
  • Tasks: 1 Task per week.
  • Marketplace activities: Not required.

Read more about GOLD & SILVER Pass here.

πŸ₯‡ Rank 3: Gold


  • Social Activities:
    - Discord Level 4 (5k XPs)
    - Follow all Social Media channels
  • Orica Family Pass required: GOLD Pass (100k ORI)
    You can obtain the silver pass on the Orica NFT Marketplace. Key features are INO participation before public. 20% marketplace rewards and more.
  • Tasks: 1 Task per day.
  • Marketplace activities:
    - Support 1 Charity per month*
    - Support 1 Creator per month**

*Participate in the Initial NFT Offering
**Buy or Sell an NFT

πŸ’Ž Rank 4: Diamond


  • Social Activities:
    - Discord Level 5 (10k XPs)
    - Follow all Social Media channels
  • Orica Family Pass required: GOLD Pass (100k ORI)
  • Tasks: Create, publish and commit tasks.
  • Marketplace activities:
    - Support 1 Charity per month*
    - Support 1 Creator per month **

*Participate in the Initial NFT Offering
**Buy or Sell an NFT

Note: You don’t have to be a certain rank to obtain Gold or Silver pass. They are mandatory to be eligible for Silver, Gold and Diamond ranks.

How to apply

Apply here: https://forms.gle/C9CDR1YBU4zkxQ2x9


  • Why do Orica have a ranking system?
    The ranking system will be an incentive to participate in the Orica eco-system. You can obtain ranks in various fields such as marketing, development and community management.
  • What are the requirements to get a ranking level?
    - Social activities
    - Orica Family Pass
    - Executing tasks
    - Marketplace activities
  • What are the tasks?
    Tasks are defined by Diamond members.
    Example of a task:
    Create a graphic for the Orica Twitter channel. By executing tasks you earn also ORI based on the difficulty of the task.
  • Where do I get the tasks?
    Tasks will be published in our Discord channel #βœ…-community-tasks.
  • How do I get my rewards?
    You will receive your rewards every 14 days. On the 1st and 15th day of the month.
  • How do I know how much reward I will get for the tasks?
    It depends on the difficulty of the tasks. Some tasks require less effort and some more. The amount of ORI will be calculated through various criteria which Diamond members decide.
  • Can I lose my status?
    Yes, we review status activities four times a year to ensure that the program recognises the people who are most committed to providing great value.
  • How do I update my status?
    If you fulfil the requirements, you can apply for the next rank by filling out the form: https://forms.gle/C9CDR1YBU4zkxQ2x9

Discord XPs

  • How do I get Discord XPs?
    - 300 XPs for an invitation (only for users who verified their phone number)
    50 XPs for being upvoted
    3 XP for a message
  • How do I get upvotes?
    React to message with thumb emoji (πŸ‘)
    - Writer will get XPs.
    - Works in every Discord channel.

More updates and details on the ranks will follow.

Follow us:

Website: https://orica.io
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/OricaChat
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/oricaannouncements
YouTube: https://youtube.com/OricaYouTube
Twitter: https://twitter.com/orica_io
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/YZ9vp5syct
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orica.io/




Written by Orica.io

The Ethical #NFT Platform β€” Funding Digital Assets for a Fairer World

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